We apply advanced Cyber capabilities to safeguard your business technology and data assets – ensuring your operations are protected and always available.


ACERO’s Cyber division operates to be the ‘eyes and ears’ in the world of cyber-crime by assigning teams that are actively engaged with the hacker community to keep a 24/7 watch for direct threats to our client’s infrastructure.

With a “Protection to Action” mantra, ACERO exercises the most advanced practices, all from 100% Open Sources,  with unique expertise and innovative techniques of gaining advantage, and providing real-time assessment for critical threats to be countered.


Forms of Malware, from Ransomware to Trojan Horses, are becoming an increasingly dangerous threat in both private, corporate, and public-sectors.

In 2019 alone Ransomware Attacks Cost Companies more than $11.5 Billion ($9.7 Billion in the US and Canada), and 34% of businesses hit with malware took a week or more to regain access to their data while their operations are stalled.

ACERO Cyberteam’s main goal is to keep our client’s systems, networks, and infrastructure secure for smooth and ongoing operations.


Perhaps the greatest risk of data leakage occurs internally from a company’s own employees, be it intentional or accidental.

ACERO works with its client to identify employees that have the potential to leak, or have leaked, information through social media, forums, blogs, or other methods of distribution.

ACERO experts will work in conjunction with the company’s information security department in order to provide a strategic plan for managing potential data leakage and enabling a rapid response.


Using a unique set of tools and long-build authenticated users, ACERO’s cyber division implements numerous techniques to scan online sources and information which is not always available on the surface of the web.

Types of searches include closed forums, underground networks, private social media groups, Internet Relay Chat (IRC) protocols, and mobile applications.

ACERO Cyber has the experience and capabilities of leveraging these resources which help to keep our clients better prepared for the next unknown cyber attack.


In today’s world, our mobile devices act as a full platform that allows continuous communication with our family, friends, and work which in most cases merged into the same platform, network, or devices.

ACERO Cyber provides infrastructure restrictions, allowing it to monitor and alert clients of any potential or immediate breach.

Combined with other elements of information security and advanced cyber strategies, this ensures our client maintains a clean mobile ecosystem, free of viruses and other forms of malware.


In today’s digital age, the origin and authenticity of electronic information can be a critical factor in deciding the facts of a case and decision making.

ACERO’s cyber forensics team examines the Core Metadata, also known as the “DNA of digital information”, in order to show sensitive materials and documents that have been manipulated.
We provide proof as to the existence of further information that could be discoverable and establish timelines and patterns of behavior.

The purpose of computer forensics techniques is to search, preserve, and analyze information on computer systems to find potential evidence for breach and compromised information.